Do you offer a free trial?

Last Updated: Thursday, April 22nd 2021

Yes we do!   

We actively encourage people to try before signing up.

There's no limit on how many office or field staff you want to try it with either.

Our trials are personalised to your own requirements.

To get up and going we just ask you to send us a copy of your existing field paperwork - then leave everything else to us.

Once set up we're available to talk you through how to use it and can adapt and change things to suit as you start to use the system.

The trial runs for around 30 days 

You can choose to sign up to continue using the system live from that point on for around £1 per day per person.

There are usually no other set up charges.

UK GreetingsCHSIDSConceptAPEX LiftsNoreasterGreenstoneGeneralAmalgamated LiftsAquaid