How ServiceLife Records Travel and Working Time on Return Visits

Last Updated: Thursday, April 6th 2017

The Motivity ServiceLife app keeps a track of total travel and working time duration for each job - even if you need to put a job on hold and return at a later point in time.

On the Handheld:
  • For every visit you make for a job, whether it is the first or it’s subsequent visits (having put the job on hold and then resumed it), make sure you record the start travel and end travel exactly as it is for each visit.
  • Do the same for the start work and end work times too.
  • The handheld transmits the travel and working time info back to ServiceLife for each visit.
In ServiceLife Office:
  • Having received the travel time info for each visit made on a job, it calculates the total travel duration for that job. 
  • This is shown in the Handheld screen.
  • This screen also shows the start travel and end travel times on a job.
  • On single visit jobs this is the start and end time for that one visit.
  • For jobs that have had multiple visits the start time is taken from the first job and the end time is taken from the last job.
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