Installing the Motivity ServiceLife App on an Android Phone or Tablet

Last Updated: Thursday, April 6th 2017

This article summarises how to install and activate the Motivity for ServiceLife app on an Android smartphone or tablet.
It assumes 
- You've already gone through the basic phone set up (using an existing or new Google Gmail account)
- You have downloaded and installed all Google Play updates and phone updates.
- You have set up the engineer in ServiceLife  (together with a password) and assigned the correct phone  (see this article for an explanation how to do this)
** you will require a wi-fi or mobile internet connection for the next steps **
On the phone, open the Google Play Store app.
1) Tap in the search box at the top of Play Store and search for "Motivity ServiceLife"
2) In the search results, tap on the Motivity for ServiceLife listing under the App section.
3) Now tap the Install button   (and press Accept on any confirmation message that follows this)
4) Once installed, press the Open button
5) The Motivity app will start by asking you for the activation code.
This code is different for each phone.  If you don't have the activation code - please contact us.
6) Type in the code and press the activate button
7) Finally - enter the password  (which you set up in ServiceLife Personnel screen)
If you have entered the information correctly, you will be taken to the Home page in the app.
You are now ready to send out the first job to this device.


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