Motivity Locator - Suggested Settings for Android and iOS Devices

Last Updated: Wednesday, August 16th 2023


  • On the Android device go into the main Settings app.
  • Type the word Location into the search box at the top and press the magnifying glass icon.
  • Tap on Location in the list  (Biometrics and Security section)
  • Under Privacy tap on Location
  • Make sure the switch is On
  • Tap on Improve Accuracy and make sure all options are on.
  • Now find the Motivity icon in the apps list.
  • Tap and hold your finger on it and then press the i / App Info option
  • Tap permissions
  • Make sure Location is switched on


  • On the iphone or ipad go into the main Settings app.
  • Click on Privacy
  • Click on Location Services
  • Make sure it's switched On
  • Now click on Motivity lower down the screen
  • Click on Location and ideally change access to 'Always'
  • Make sure Precise Location is On.
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