Recording and Submitting Weekly Timesheets and Expenses

Last Updated: Wednesday, December 8th 2021

In addition to standard electronic job sheet reporting, you can also use Motivity to record and submit weekly timesheets and expenses.
This is in it's early stages of development.  Something we will be developing further soon.

Key features:

  • Selectively choose which staff need to complete weekly timesheets
  • Motivity will automatically copy job reference, start and finish times filled in on job sheets directly to the timesheet - to save rekeying  (depends on how your job sheets are configured)
  • Set up different hourly rates to allow for standard time, double time etc.
  • Record non-job related activities too - such as meetings, holidays, training etc (customisable)
  • Optionally separate travel time out or include as part of job
  • Add details and pictures of expense receipts
  • Add custom questions (incl signature capture) for staff to complete before submitting timesheet.
  • Use our standard timesheet PDF layout or we can produce customised ones to suit  (may be one off charge for this)
  • Completed timesheets are e-mailed back to the office
  • Separate review screen on office side to check and approve timesheets if required.
  • App prompts staff to complete overdue timesheets

Setting Up

Before using the timesheet feature there are a number of things that need to be configured.
Firstly go Company Settings -> Timesheet Settings

Under the Hourly Rates Section at the top of the screen you'll need at least one hourly rate setting up.

  • To use our standard template we would suggest calling this  '1x'   (e.g  standard time)
  • Name: 1x
  • This is the default rate: Yes
  • Payroll Report Code: 1x
  • This is the default rate for travelling: <- leave as 'no' if you want travel time to be combined with the work time  set to 'yes' if you want it to show separate block
  • Then press save.

You can set up any other hourly rates too to suit your business.

Timesheet Settings

Now, in the Timesheet Settings section, click Edit Settings
And change the settings accordingly:-

  • First Day of week: This will be what you'd class as your start day for each new timesheet.
  • Start time for week: You can pop a default start time in or leave as 00:00
  • Default hourly rate: This should have defaulted to 1x
  • Minimum default minutes per week: If you set this to anything but 0, the app will force staff to make sure their timesheet entries match or exceed this number. So a 40 hour week would be 2400mins.
  • Enable standby option: Switching this on allows staff to just tick if they are on standby that day (so this can flag up on timesheet)
  • Enable staying away allowance: similar to standby option
  • Duration only: When this is off, staff can enter a start and a finish time.  If it's on, you only have to fill in a duration.
  • Group times for jobs that overlap timesheet periods:For jobs running into next timesheet period, include all time on first timesheet.

Timesheet Signoff Questions.

We suggest as a minimum you add a Signature question here called Signature (so it works with our standard template)

PDF Templates

You can download and attach our standard template from here.
There are also 5 pages for optional expenses too. (P1,P2,P3,P4,P5)
These can be uploaded as supplementary PDFs.

Non Job Time Recording.

If you want staff to also record non job activities, you will need to go into two places.

  • Company Settings -> Activity Types  (this is for activities that are done during work time. e.g. Training)
  • Company Settings -> Personnel Absence Types  (this is for activities if someone isn't working e.g. Doctors Appointment)

Make sure you set a default pay rate for these AND you make them available to select on the mobile.

Alerting Office Staff

Under Company Settings -> Company E-mail Alerts, you can set up an alert to send the timesheets to one or more members of staff as and when timesheets are sent back.

Switching on Timesheets

The final stage is to go into Personnel and switch on the timesheet option.
We would suggest trying it with one or two for the first week.
You need to go into Personnel, click on their name then in the Mobile Device Management section, click 'Turn On' next to where it says Timesheets.
The 'Automatically E-mail Timesheet' option can be turned on to send a copy direct to that member of staff once they have submitted their weekly timesheet.

You can also review timesheets using the Timesheet option on the main menu.
Here you can select the relevant week and drill down into each timesheet.
There is an option to approve and amend too if required.  You would need to send an amended copy back to the relevant member of staff afterwards.
Approved timesheets can appear on a separate payroll summary report.

Points to Note

  • Once a timesheet has been completed in the app, the app moves onto the next week automatically
  • You cannot view a previously completed timesheet in the app (we suggest switching on the Personnel E-mail Timesheet option above to act as a record)
  • You cannot re-instate a previous weeks timesheet once it's been sent back
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