Recording Parts / Materials Required on Motivity ServiceLife App

Last Updated: Thursday, April 6th 2017

You can use the custom questions facility in ServiceLife to add your own 'Parts Required' question onto the ServiceLife Mobile app.

The engineers will be prompted with this question when the fill in the Completion Questions in the app.

To add the Parts Required box

  1. Open ServiceLife Office
  2. Click Handheld -> Job Completion Questions
  3. Press the Add button:
    Display sequence (the number you put here determines what order the question appears on the Job Completion screen – it is really only relevant if you have several Job completion questions)
    Short Description: Parts Reqd
    Long Description: Parts Required
    Tick Show on Regular Visits and Show on Other Visit Types
    (You could also tick the Answer Compulsory box if you want then to always type something into the Parts Required question on the handheld)
  4. Then press Save.

After this, the Parts Required question will appear on all new jobs sent to the handhelds.

When they send the job back you can see the Parts Required in the Handheld screen in ServiceLife.
(It’s also possible to include this on your visit / job sheet too)

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