Samsung Battery Optimisation Stops Motivity Liftdata & ServiceLife Sending / Receiving Jobs

Last Updated: Wednesday, January 3rd 2024

We have had reports that the Motivity Liftdata and ServiceLife apps stop sending / receiving jobs on certain Samsung phones that have updated to Android 9

So far it seems to be on Samsung Galaxy S8 and S9 devices.

It appears to be an issue with the phones Battery Optimisation software built into the phones that is now blocking Motivity from working properly.

You can still use the app but it wont send and receive jobs (even though you have mobile data / wifi on).   

One obvious symptom is that you can still use the internet on the phone but there is a stack of papers shown in the top right hand corner of the Motivity home page.

To switch off battery optimisation specifically for our Motivity apps you will need to do the following on the phone.

  • Find the Motivity app in the app list on your phone
  • Tap and hold your finger on the app and then choose App Info from the pop up menu
  • Next tap on the Battery option
  • Then Optimise Battery Usage option
  • Near the top of this Battery Usage page make sure the drop down option is set to All (and not   Apps not optimised)
  • Press the magnifying glass button at the top right of screen
  • Type Motivity into the search box 
  • You will see the Motivity app appear in the list in the lower part of the screen.
  • There is a little switch show to the right of this.  Just tap on it to make sure it is switched off

You can then go back into the app and all will start working properly again.

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