Using QR or Barcodes with Motivity ServiceLife

Last Updated: Wednesday, January 3rd 2024

From version of the ServiceLife Mobile app for Android, you can now take advantage of the QR code and barcode scanning feature in your handheld device.

This makes the process of booking out parts to a job or identifying site assets much quicker and more accurate.

Although it may seem quite mystical, the idea behind QR codes and barcodes is very simple.  The QR code pattern or barcode just translates into a series of number or alphanumeric characters.

QR / Barcoding with Parts

By using barcode or QR code generating software you can create barcodes and QR codes to match your own part numbers.  You could even take advantage of existing barcodes on products.

Once you have created each barcode, you will need to make sure you then enter that same number or the alphanumeric code into the Part Code or somewhere in the Short Description against the respective part in ServiceLife.   (The part will need to be ticked as usable on the handheld)

On site, when you tap on the Parts tab, you then choose to add a part and press the scanner button on screen.

Point the camera at the appropriate QR or barcode.

If the device can identify the code it will automatically translate the QR/barcode into the numbers or alphanumeric letters associated with that code.

It will then search the mobile parts database to find any matches.

If there is a unique match it will pop up the quantity 'add' box to say how many you have used on that job.

If there are multiples that match it will let you pick which one you need.


QR / Barcodes on Site Assets

By using barcode or QR code generating software you can create barcodes and QR codes to match your own asset identification numbers.  You could even take advantage of existing barcodes on products (if they are unique).

Once you have created each barcode, you will need to make sure you then enter that same number or the alphanumeric code into either the Serial Number or Notes fields against the appropriate Site asset/eqipment in ServiceLife.   

On site, there are two places where you can use the barcode scanner (shown by a barcode button in the app).

- On the equipment tab where the job already has a list of assets shown on it.
  Using the scanner here, will locate the scanned asset in the list

- When adding a new site asset to a job
  Using the scanner here, it will locate the scanned asset from the master list of equipment for that site and add it onto this job.


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